Sound healing

Stress Less and Sleep More: Tips for a Restful Night

Like the face mask protecting you, your loved ones and even strangers, your own unique
Musical Mask can guide you and guard you through the dangers and fears of COVID and the challenges it brings. Never before has your Musical Mask had such an opportunity to be “front and center”.
The “7 PM Clap” has organically brought the world together with applause, cheers and song.
Any type of noisemaking is permitted, indeed encouraged, in a true free-for-all of sound. It
expresses gratitude, connection, and emotions. Through it all, the result is music for the ears, and solace for the soul.
Everyone has a Musical Mask, whether they know it or not, and whether they show it or not. It encompasses the themes from your life, including your feelings, your emotions, and your
subconscious as well as conscious thoughts and beliefs. It is an expression of your own inner core, acting as a filter of intrusions from the outside world
This New Normal may not continue forever to include a raucous display of noises at 7 PM in
the spirit of community. But while it does, each of us has a chance to express ourselves to
enhance our Musical Mask. As we do, we will learn to deal with stress more effectively, to
sleep more soundly, and to express ourselves more clearly.
The most important thing, at this point, is just to “start” (and be yourself). Many people have their own musical agenda, very well focused. Others may not. If you are one of those who are unsure how to “start” just look around you. What do you have; what do you see; what kind of noise would you like to make? Forget about “music” for the moment. Do you want to hear a hard sound or a soft sound? Do you want something metallic, like bells or chimes or a gong or maybe just use a cardboard box to sound like a drum. Would you like rhythm or a cadence, like a drumbeat? Then, just grab whatever pots and pans, or plastic containers, or wooden spoons, a pillow, or whatever you choose, to join in the display.
Once you “start” you will quickly find it easy to adjust your sound, and your tools, to your own unique preferences. And to adjust your Musical Mask, to your subconscious mental and emotional needs and desires. For those who may seek a more specific regimen of proactive techniques, the following are “5 Tips for the Use of Intentional Music to Alleviate Stress During Uncertain Times”.

Grab a pot lid “gong”, and a container or pillow on which to “drum” with wooden spoons or your hands and throw some rice or beans into a plastic jar to shake as a rattle. Get your pen and paper ready. And select two pieces of music to listen to (one anguishing peace, and one more soothing): if you would like a suggestion, loop “Whirling Wonders” from Karen Olson’s Timeless Being CD and try “Serenity” from Karen Olson’s SongPath CD. Then, proceed to the Five Tips as follows:

1. Take time to PAUSE: please find a comfortable spot, close your eyes, take a deep breath through your nose, feel your stomach expand, relax your shoulders, hold, then slowly release the air through your mouth. Repeat and feel the air vibrate your nose when you inhale and vibrate your lips when you exhale. On your next exhale, release a deep sound. Continue repeating until you feel you are “finished”.
2. Grab your rattle and close your eyes, tune-in within and notice: Do you feel any stress anywhere in your body, does one part feel heavy? Shake your rattle starting at the top of your head, move around your body the best you can and work down to your feet. Dislodge any stuck energy. Open your eyes and move your body; get up and dance if you feel inspired. Let the sound and energy flow through you.
3. Grab your drum and wooden spoon and have your “gong” nearby. Close your eyes and bring up a feeling that causes you stress, breathe into that feeling, have a “conversation” as you release and express any frustration you may have through your drum and/or “gong”. Continue until you feel like your story and song has been sung.
4. Put on the agitated music as you freely write anything that comes through your mind, just expression, not well-crafted sentences, simple thoughts. When you are done, realize that your circumstances and thoughts are separate from you, and who you are. Now, tear up the paper and when you can, discard them.
5. Now, put on soothing music, get comfortable, lie down if possible. Feel yourself safely supported by what you are lying or sitting on. Bring up images of yourself experiencing a specific dream, vividly feel the details in your mind, create an image that you can hold. Listen deeply to the sounds and feel the vibrations inside of you.
Feel the sounds carry you across a rainbow bridge with the light creating all of the colors of your dream. Know that this is true, as you leave your fears behind and embrace the many new possibilities ahead.

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