Music Meditation Sound healing

The World of Sound, Silence, Vibrations and Change

We experience sound before we are born, and it carries us beyond the veil as we transition from this life. We hear a symphony of sounds in our mother’s womb, with the surrounding fluid magnifying and transmitting the vibrations into our cells. Our mother’s heartbeat, her breathing, and the pulsation of blood swooshes a rhythmic pulse, which peacefully accompanies the building of our cells and organs. Our parents’ voices and the sounds of our mother’s day-to-day life make up our interior world from the very beginning of our time on earth.

As we go through the various stages of life, our body stores our experiences in a manner more primal than language and explanation. If something traumatic happens, and it seems to be more than we can handle, we create internal protections. These protections can help at that moment, but then that pat- tern becomes instilled, stored, and stuck inside of us on a deep subconscious level. We need to unlearn and replace these defense mechanisms.

Sound and vibrations reach below the conscious mind, below language and explanation, to use “ultrasonic surgery” to dislodge old patterns. Then, we can fill those stuck and empty spaces with unconditional love, reconnecting to the place we remember subconsciously in our mother’s womb—that place where all our needs were met, where we were enough and knew that we were loved.

Even if there were times when we couldn’t receive this fully as a child, we can do it now. We can reset to our pre-trauma state. That trauma doesn’t have to be a huge incident that appeared in the newspaper. We can experience chronic trauma over time— constant put-downs, feeling unsupported, or being subjected to any behavior that made us feel unnurtured, unloved or unaccepted by our “tribe.”

We innately know that we were born to fit in and be cared for. We know that we are unique and special. I believe that even though trauma may have drowned out that message, it remains underneath the chaos and is always there for us to reconnect with.

Your soul knows and never forgets the truth of who you are and what you are here to do. You are seeking this connection. This is the quiet voice that silence can help you to hear.

When you tune in to higher vibrations so we can co-create a new lifestyle based on faith instead of fear, trust instead of doubt, and harmony instead of discord. Tuning up the mind and body creates balance and a renewed sense of clarity.

If you’ve gone through life feeling like you’re not enough or striven to earn the approval of others—listening and finding connection through meditation and music will raise your confidence and increase your peace of mind.

Explore various sound healing methods such as The SoundPath Method to gain insight and to learn vibrational tools that access the subconscious mind and the brain’s ability to reprogram pathways within itself—opening up new channels to a life filled with ease, harmony, happiness, and success. These vibrational tools often involve music, or at the very least, rhythm. However, no specific knowledge of music or rhythm is required. The SoundPath Method is flexible enough to adapt to one’s own preferences and tastes.

Let’s begin by looking at the concept that humans are instruments that need to be kept “in tune” in order to achieve the best results. Most people—even those with no musical training at all—can recognize when a singer is out of tune. Fortunately, most people’s lives are not so far “out of tune” as to be beyond help—if they understand some basic concepts and implement the right corrective measures.

Music is a conduit to connect to the energy and vibrations, when used intentionally, they create change Fundamental to the SoundPath Method are some lofty scientific principles about energy, but again they need not be thoroughly studied nor completely understood. We just need to know enough to be able to use them to reach our own self-improvement goals. Like gravity, we only need to know that it works. We can leave it up to the experts to debate about how it works.

Among those experts is Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., who made groundbreaking discoveries about the role of the conscious versus the subconscious minds, as outlined in his book: The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Conscious Matter and Miracles. It has been shown that only about five percent of what we do is controlled by our conscious minds. And, considering that much of what we observe and experience in our lives today is related to the behavior of our parents who had modeled for us what they themselves had learned at a young age…it could be stated that we behave more out of habit than choice. Lipton’s concepts, when effectively applied, have the potential to change lives. We no longer have to passively watch our own stubborn patterns accelerate and repeat in mysterious and “unfair” ways.

Scientists used to believe that our genetics determined our fate. But, now we understand that our genes act as a blueprint that receive programming based on observation and the experience of repeated behaviors. After age seven, our programming controls our genes! The programs have been “auto-saved,” becoming our very own GPS—our personal navigational reference system. When our subconscious mind is running the show, we tend to be unaware of it, so we can easily believe that we are victims. However, we don’t need to pass along all of our ancestor’s habits and beliefs. We do have a choice!

The first step in this sound and vibrational reprogramming process is gaining awareness. Usually, our minds are in “la-la land” while we unknowingly sabotage ourselves. What the conscious mind wishes is very different than the wishes of the subconscious mind. It’s like the unconscious mind is in the driver’s seat while the conscious mind occasionally barks an unheard order from the back seat. The subconscious mind doesn’t like to change. Our best chance for creating new subconscious patterns is when we’re in a meditative or Theta brainwave state; just before we fall asleep and wake up is an optimal time to “rehearse” the changes we want.

From an energetic and vibrational standpoint, music allows the spiritually connected listener to have more direct contact with one’s subconscious programming. I see this regularly as I practice and teach the viola. I can remember the tedious hours, days, and weeks I would spend, trying to learn a new way to hold my bow or align my left-hand finger motion until it became a part of my playing without my thought. Of course, I used the new “habit” over and over again, so it automatically received consistent reinforcement.

This principle and the process of creating new habits are very apparent when I am teaching a proper bow-arm technique to my students. The right arm motion is not at all natural. The elbow needs to learn to open at a right angle and extend to keep the bow parallel to the bridge so it can create a ringing sound. When the bow goes “off course” the sound gets thin, glassy, unpleasant sounding almost like a whistle. We can work very hard to break that habit. Yet, if we are focusing on a difficult left-hand technique, for instance, the bow will wander back to its old habit. I have learned very well that we need to focus on one task at a time until the mind can gradually put it all together. There is no need to become disappointed when the bow begins to wander again. But it is a reminder that the consistent work isn’t complete, as the new habit has yet to fully replace the old. Even once it has become a habit, it’s still important to warm up each day, like an athlete, to provide the proper reinforcement.

If the conscious mind has barely a five percent impact on the choices we make and the situations that manifest in our experience, how do we bypass it and communicate directly with the subconscious mind? Even the attempt to make a change in the conscious mind, often only reinforces the problem we’re trying to solve. The SoundPath Method will give you a way to establish direct communication with your subconscious mind and bring into awareness your core beliefs. The tools and exercises in this book will explain how to use sound therapy and specific vibratory frequencies—along with more traditional methods of self-healing, like meditation—to create positive change down to the cellular level by reprogramming subconscious beliefs.

You can choose to move on from feeling stuck, in pain, grief-stricken, or hopelessness. New patterns can finally be established. Past situations no longer need to influence the present moment; now you’ll have a way to move forward and freely choose to live your dreams.
The SoundPath Method exercises will often include using your imaginative sense, like daydreaming, to create an experience as if it is real. The subconscious mind does not fully distinguish between what is experienced and what is imagined. We can choose to use this ability to our advantage. For example, you will be asked to imagine the vibrations inside of you, similar to when you stand near a huge loudspeaker with pounding bass notes that shake within you. The energetic messages to the subconscious mind are felt; they can be perceived physically, or through guided imagery, just below the threshold of your think- ing, conscious mind.

As our connection to the energy fields of sound and music helps us use these exercises and gain knowledge to implement change, we become progressively clearer and more vibrant. When our body, mind, and spirit, are in alignment, our body knows how to heal and achieve optimal health. In this state, we are able to magnify the results of all our desires, including medical care and optimal health. Our higher level of vibration helps us to sing from the mountaintops, as the resonant sound echoes our symphony of support. Learning the SoundPath Method does not include one-time moments of awareness that are then forgotten and discarded. Instead, it can become a “way of life” that includes ongoing maintenance exercises, similar to getting and keeping your physical body in shape rather than dieting only to blindly return to a former lifestyle.

Spiritually speaking, when our instrument is in tune, the overtones are all ringing and resonating in agreement. In other words, our relationships are whole and healthy; our finances are abundant; we have the courage and the passion for living our purpose; we experience high self-esteem and joyful self-expression. However, if the instrument is unbalanced or out of tune, it isn’t effective on any level. The sound is terrible. No matter how skilled the musician, it can’t be played effectively, and trying to do so is a miserable experience.

Likewise, when a person is “out of tune,” he or she will experience symptoms such as anxiety, insecurity, doubt, shame, blame, jealousy, and addiction. Such a person is prone to seeking direction and approval from others. Life feels unnecessarily difficult; things often go wrong, and accidents happen far too frequently. Intimate relationships are tarnished with disagreements. And, since schedules tend to be hectic, it can become difficult to care for one’s physical needs like eating well, exercising, or getting enough sleep. Most challenging of all, it may feel impossible to get control over negative core beliefs that magnify these struggles. This is certainly the opposite of being in the flow and having things come together with joy, happiness, and ease. It is our lifelong imperative to get our instruments in tune.

So how do we do this? How can we create harmony and alignment between the player and the instrument which will restore balance and allow our music to ring out freely? How do we release the chaos of negative core beliefs that may have haunted us throughout our lives despite our best efforts to change?

As with any instrument, making the right adjustments is crucial. We must learn specific practices which will keep our instrument tuned so we can experience all that life has to offer. The process of tuning up our “instrument” is remarkably similar to the experience of a musician tuning a physical instrument. And, it all comes down to sound and vibration.

The SoundPath Method shows us how to become master musicians for our own emotional and spiritual awakening. These techniques will demonstrate ways to combine vibration, entrainment, tapping, and drumming, with techniques like meditation, breath work, intention-setting, and movement, to bypass subconscious blocks. These blocks keep us reliving the same negative experiences over and over again, regardless whether we “know better by now” or have struggled to overcome the same challenges for many years.

I don’t need to tell you that music can affect our moods, emotions, and even our bodies. But, most of us are less familiar with other ways that music has played a pivotal role in human social and emotional development throughout recorded history. From Paleolithic flutes carved more than forty thousand years ago to Native Americans ritual songs for everything from marriage celebrations to war, music has long been understood to be a mystical force in our world.

There are extreme examples of using music to create trance states so deep that people in India have reported being bitten by cobras without experiencing illness. Prisoners of war have endured terrible abuse such as starvation and physical injury using humming and singing as a technique to focus the mind beyond the pain. And, we all know people, you may even be one of those people, who’ve come through a time of depression or trauma by focusing on a piece of music that spoke to them giving courage to keep moving forward.

There’s music within each of us, waiting to be awakened. You must allow that music to come to you because gifts that aren’t shared will eventually disappear. Gifts we share are multiplied. Memories of pain we keep reliving can be healed and released, allowing us to move forward and make more joyful memories. This vibrational memory can carry us to higher places where we no longer allow anger, negativity, and fear to steal our gifts from us.

Instead of resigning ourselves to more years of struggle, we can use sound to cut a new pathway through our subconscious blocks, finally healing lifelong negative core beliefs. This is a new concept for most people, but it isn’t nearly as far-fetched as it may appear at first glance. The famed scientist Nikola Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”

There’s a power greater than our problems. Sound opens our consciousness to reflect it. Learn to think in sound. Let rhythm be our inner pulse connecting us to universal life. Let the music lead us to our inner story