
What Are The Benefits of Sound Therapy?

We live in a high-paced and incredibly dynamic world where the ecstasies of simple joys are poised delicately alongside the numbing browbeating of daily defeats. In such a scenario, it often becomes difficult for us to draw a line between them, resulting in a situation that leaves us feeling absolutely stressed and overwhelmed.

Best Sound Frequency for Meditation

Why Sound Therapy?

To make sure that these predicaments don’t affect our everyday hustle and cause us to fall behind in getting the rest, that we need we must t, actively find ways to relax and have fun..t To begin with,, the options are limitless- from writing and painting to jogging and cycling, any activity that gives you a break from the monotony of your day-to-day schedule lifts your mood and gives you more energy. 

However, one must always  remember their personal limitations as well as the demands of their schedule as they choose the best ways to exercise and unwind. Ideally, one must practice something that can not only be adapted as a routine but which also presents the least  interruption of their regular duties and responsibilities. This is where sound healing meditation and sound therapy c can help. It is a highly impactful technique that makes use of a mixture of various sounds and vibrations to effect a positive impact on one’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. 

Let’s look at the benefits of sound therapy.

Stress Relief

Sound therapy practices such as using vocal toning for healing and other related techniques prove to be extremely effective when it comes to  helping people reduce their stress and challenges. The soothing sounds involved in the process not only work towards re-tuning your brain but also helps you replenish brain energy by  using high-frequency sounds that elevate brain functioning. 

An effectivesound therapy session at the end of a long and exhausting  day makes you more able to cope with the stress of the day by helping you stream your thoughts and ideas in much more productive ways. In the process, it helps you be in charge of your mental and emotional health. 

Helps to Lessen Headaches

Many people use sound therapy to relieve headaches including migraine headaches. This is because sound therapy helps them address the issues of stress and high blood pressure which are, more often than not, the root causes behind headaches. Many big fans of sound therapy unanimously t agree that the practice helps them alleviate their symptoms for good, in a matter of a few weeks.

Confidence Boost  

As sound therapy allows you to make new and positive patterns in your brain, it automatically  gives you a newfound wave of confidence. It allows you to overcome your existing insecurities and vulnerabilities, helping you to flesh out an effective and reliable coping mechanism. Additionally, it helps you take up new challenges and broaden your horizon with every passing day. It makes you capable enough to identify and fix the hiccups that plague your daily routine and streamline your activities in a much more efficient manner.    

Improves Focus

Sound therapy has been proven to improve  your attention span and focus It helps you get rid of distracting and irrelevant thoughts and redirect your focus in the right direction. This is accomplished by lowering your brain wave frequency.  This not only helps you juggle your daily responsibilities in an improved manner but also allows you to be more productive. 

Builds Better Relationships

The majority of relationships become challenged by poor communication and misunderstanding. More often than not, this stems from the stress and anxiety that plagues them on a daily basis. The inability of people to properly communicate and compartmentalise their various issues ends up interferring with their interpersonal dynamics and then puts a toll on their personal relationships. Sound therapy gives them a promising way to reduce their stress levels, and consequently build and foster relationships that have unshakeable and unwavering foundations.

Improve Organizational Skills

As sound therapy helps you improve your focus and boost your confidence levels, it contributes towards enhancing your organizational skills. Once your thoughts are clear, and problems being effectively dealt with, meeting your deadlines and managing your tasks becomes much easier for you. A This improves your leadership skills, and overall management of yourself and others..    

Using the Power of Sound with Karen   Sound healer and best selling author Karen Olson is well-known for using her sound healing method to help people find peace, freedom, and the power to live their dreams. She has established herself as an authority in emotional and physical wellbeing. Her education, training and personal experience is the subject of her award-winning book, SoundPath: Using the Power of Sound and Silence for Health, Harmony and Happiness. Karen’s SoundPath Method is a unique sound therapy method using music, vibrations and more. She helps clients effectively and painlessly remove long-held negative childhood beliefs and remove fear by activating their unique power within. They are able to replace blocks with messages of love connecting them to their inner purpose and truth.

Listening Music Meditation

Tuning Into What Matters Most

It is during these challenging days filled with uncertainty that we seek answers to the uninvited “new normal” that looms around us just like the invasion of the coronavirus. What tools can we use to protect ourselves, those we love, our community, nation and world, and combat the disruption that has entered every aspect of our lives?

Sit or lie in a comfortable position, and take this opportunity to pause, force yourself to relax, summon courage, and take some deep belly breaths of life. Embrace whatever feelings you feel, acknowledge them and move through them. Offer your feelings to the air that you breathe, and to your collective “school of training” that is a part of all of life.

Tune into your body and have a sense of where you begin and end and where another person begins and ends. Feel these boundaries with great respect as you notice your responsibility to yourself, and to others. As we keep ourselves safe, we can share the safety with others. Doing all that we can to spread love, calm and respect and reduce the fear and chance for the spread of dis-ease.

Something so simple as washing our hands is our greatest defense to not bringing the virus into our lungs where it is waiting to multiply and take away our breath of life. Perhaps you feel invincible but you have the chance to keep a weakened neighbor free from the threat as well so we can all be well.

We have the capacity to grow our sense of being connected to one another. Love is our greatest immunity to any threat. Love is a high vibration that builds our immunity. Our sense of hearing feeds our brain which pumps messages through our blood into every part of our body, and life. Let them be messages of strength, confidence, hope and life.

Music with the vibrations and intention of love is one of our strongest and unifying defenses against the threats that we are facing now. Put on your favorite music, engage in some sound therapy exercises, raise your vibrations of love which will combat the low vibrations of disease, and know that all will be well.